Mylai font
This site
uses Mylai font.
Mylai font
is freely available for Windows, Macintosh and Unix. It is easy to install.
- You
should be using either Netscape
Navigator 3.0 or higher OR Microsoft
Explorer 3.0 or higher to automatically view information in Tamil.
If you are using any other browser or a earlier version of these browsers,
you may require additional settings. Best seen in browsers Netscape
4.0 and Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher.
NOTE: Your browser should have style sheets enabled for
these pages to display properly.
- Windows
3.1, Windows 95/98/2000, Windows NT users.
- D
o w n l o a d the MylaiPlain Tamil font (28,512 bytes)
now if you have not already done so. It is
very easy.
- C
l i c k h e r e and you will see a dialog box asking
you to save.
- Save
the font MylaiPlain in your
\Windows\Fonts directory.
- Exit
your browser and start it again. You are now ready to read using
Mylai font.
R :
- Download
to a temporary directory.
- Open
your control panel group and launch the font utility program.
- Using
the install menu option, select the saved font and install the font.
- Exit
your browser and start it again. You are now ready to read using
Mylai font.
- Macintosh
- Unix